The Periodontal Implant Institute

Useful Links

The following website links contain helpful information and pictures. Just click on the links below to go to the website page that is described.

Periodontal Risk Assessment

Take the AAP test and find out if you are at risk for periodontal disease!

Periodontal Disease

This link contains an article that covers the types and causes of periodontal disease. It includes illustrations and possible treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

This link contains “Frequently Asked Questions” covering general periodontal questions, periodontal procedures, and how periodontal disease affects general health.

Possible Medical Complications

This link covers how periodontal disease can adversely affect your general health.

Periodontal Procedures

This link describes periodontal procedures such as dental implants, scaling & root planing, crown lengthening, regeneration, tissue grafts, and dental laser surgery.

Dental Implants: Teeth that Look and Feel Like Your Own

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots (posts) placed into your jawbone. Crowns, bridges or dentures are then anchored to these. This link describes the process and benefits of dental implants.

Oral Health and Older Adults
Examination for Dental Implants
Healing and Follow Up Care
Causes for Tooth Loss
Restorative Options
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